Friday, January 16, 2009

OH the weather outside is frightful..

Ya, it is hella cold outside today. I am sitting here freezing my tail off, but trying not to think of my poor hubby working in Niagara Falls 30 stories up the new Hilton with no walls... I bought him some long johns today, poor baby. I have no idea how these people work outside in this!! I feel a stiff draft and I am dying!

Well, onto what I was actually intending to write about :)

Tomorrow is my second retreat to sugar some silly scrapbookkers and promote my jewelry!! My friend Jen and I are heading to Walton Memorial Church in Oakville (on Bronte, in case there are any scrappies out there that are interested in swinging by) I believe the class is about $80 for the day and it includes breakfast, lunch AND dinner!! The last one we went to had TONS, and I mean TONS of prizes, giveaways and contests and I can only imagine that they will be working on an equally superb show this time around. Did I mention that there will be a special guest there?? Her name is Kama Lee Jackson and she is a creative writer extraordinaire! Have I peaked your interest yet??

If you are interested in attending or just getting more information on future retreats, email Janette at and tell her Sheena sent you ;)

This is our second retreat with these ladies and I am sooo stoked to be part of it again. These crazy ladies with their suitcase full of scrapbookking supplies are awesome!! I swear, some of these ladies have more scrapbook supplies than I have clothes!! Insane! I actually made my own, very first scrapbook not long after the first retreat back in November. Mind you, I totally cheated, lol, I bought a scrapbook kit, so I am not sure if that really counts...but I made one none-the-less and it turned out amazing!! I sent it out west to my Daddy for Christmas and he loved it!!

Anyways, the retreat is being put on by two lovely ladies named Janette and Jackie. Janette owns The Kit Company and runs these retreats about twice a year. We are hoping that this will be making regular appearances at these events, so if you are interested in meeting us in person, you should check one out.

I am working on some new pieces to bring out tomorrow... Very excited, but I probably should get started, I only have 22 hours until we leave.

Chow for now!


  1. Your jewelry is very nice! If I was a woman, I think I'd try some of these items. Nice for a lady friend though. Cheers!

    Clayrn Darrow

  2. I just love your jewelry. The one I love the most is the silver pendent on an 18 inch chain.
    I do not have pay pal. Some years back my husband and I had a problem and our credit card number was hacked. Pay Pal gave us a hard time.
    I will be back to look some more.

